Endocrine Pancreas

Color 16 min. (1973)
Sponsored by Yamanouchi Phermasceutical Co. Ltd. (Astellas Pharma Inc.) and Boehringer Manheim Japan Ltd. (Roche Diagnostics K.K.)
Produced by Yone Production Inc.


The pancreas has an exocrine function and an endocrine function. The cells that possess the endocrine function are clustered at points known as “islets of Langerhans”. The makers of this film were successful in filming living “islets of Langerhans”. With a particular focus on B cells that secrete insulin, the film captures and analyzes the action of β granules within the cells.

Scientific supervisor

Yasunori KOSAKA (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo)

Scientific instructor

Yasunori KOSAKA (Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo)


Tsuneo FUJITA and Shigeru KOBAYASHI (Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University)
Dr. Lelio Orci (University of Geneva Medical School)

Staff role

Producer : Yonesaku KOBAYASHI
Director : Akira NISHIMURA
Photography : Tarou AKASHI
Biological materials : Masayoshi TAKAOKA
Music : Toshi KOBAYASHI
Narration : Kyouji KOBAYASHI

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